Alan Brown

Alan Brown

Alan Brown

Lay Leader
Lay Leader Job Description

The lay leader serves as the primary representative of the laity, working closely with the Pastor and ministry leaders to plan, launch, and support the vision and ministry of the church and ensure that the laity is involved as much as possible. The lay leader helps people realize their roles in the congregation and community to live out their faith in ministry. The lay leader serves as a voting member of the Church Administrative Council, the Finance Committee, and the Staff-Parish Relations Committee representing the laity in each of these situations.

Work with the pastor and other leaders to launch or strengthen ministries that build discipleship
Meet regularly with the pastor to discuss the state of the church and opportunities for advancing the mission and ministry of the congregation in the community
Function as the primary representative and role model of
Christian discipleship and faith lived out in daily life.
Should serve as a delegate to the Annual Conference in order to serve as an interpreter of the actions and programs of the Conference and the general church.
Ensure that the congregation is kept aware of UMC events, activities, and issues

Spiritual Gifts and Qualifications
Should possess one or more of these spiritual gifts: leadership, administration, faith, shepherding, servanthood, discernment, and teaching
Should show evidence of prior effective leadership and evidence of active and growing discipleship
Valuable skills for this position are listening and communicating with people of all ages, working with ministry leaders, and determining concerns that the laity may have
Should show genuine interest in understanding and responding to the hopes and desires of the congregation and people in the community Email


9200 Dietz Elkhorn Road | Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015 | 830.981.8331

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