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What to Expect

At Spring Creek, we’ll make sure the first face you see when you approach the church has a smile on it. Whether you are looking for a nursery, children’s activities, or a familiar face, a greeter will be nearby to help you.

Service Times and Location

Dress and Attire

Dress however you’re most comfortable. You’ll find lots of folks in khakis and blue jeans. Before and after worship, we offer coffee and snacks.  Many in our congregation bring their coffee into worship with them.  During the worship celebration, you’ll enjoy upbeat music and a  message that helps you understand the scripture more fully.

Children and Parents

We know that as a parent you need to be sure that your children are in a SAFE learning environment. And we know that your children are looking for a FUN place to learn.  Our staff and volunteer teachers have been fully trained to provide age appropriate teachings.

Learn More

Everyone Welcome

We welcome everyone, whether you’ve never been to church or if it’s been a while.  We hope that your time with us is a blessing.  Spring Creek is a wonderful congregation, filled with excitement about where God is leading us.

Growing Community

If you are looking for a church home, we invite you to consider joining us.  We are a growing church, seeking to make a difference in our community and the world.  We want to help people grow in their relationship with God and with others.

9200 Dietz Elkhorn Road | Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015 | 830.981.8331

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