Songs of Loudest Praise

Songs of Loudest Praise

Author: Pastor Dinah
March 27, 2024

When they looked back on Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem from the other side of the empty tomb, the disciples must have said that was great. That was really something. 
But you know what? While it's a wonderful memory, it was more than we knew in the moment. 
When they looked back on it, they must have said remember that song we sang? Remember the words of that song? 
Well, that song is Psalm 118, and it's a processional song. What gets quoted in John Chapter 12 is “blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord”. It's a line from Psalm 118. 
Psalm 118 is a song that describes the gates of righteousness opening up 
and the people just marching right through. 
It's a celebration. It's a march of triumph. It is a song that is sung in thanksgiving over a victory. 

There is one phrase that is especially significant in this Psalm. It opens the song and it closes the song. 
When it opens in verse one, it's so important that it gets repeated three more times in those opening verses. 
The line is – “the Lord's steadfast love endures forever”. 
Other versions say:
God's faithful love lasts forever. 
God's love never quits. 
The Lord's mercy endures. 
My favorite version of the Hebrew that shows up there is – “Lord your kindness- it pierces through time.”
It carries us all the way. The Lord's kindness. 

9200 Dietz Elkhorn Road | Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015 | 830.981.8331

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