Nikki Decker

Nikki  Decker

Nikki Decker

Women’s Ministry
Women’s Ministry Chairwoman Job Description
The Women’s Ministry of Spring Creek provides opportunities for women to connect with each other, pursue spiritual growth opportunities, and engage in Spring Creek service opportunities. Through fellowship, friendship, and study, we support each other, our families, and the mission of Spring Creek.

Responsibilities of the Chairwoman
Work in collaboration with pastors and staff to develop programs to provide spiritual growth opportunities to women of all ages
Develop and support opportunities for women to be in service in the community
Create opportunities for fellowship
Work with leaders of other ministries to develop and support ways for women to be involved in the total ministry of the church
Keep women of the church informed about women’s activities and opportunities for service and spiritual growth
Attend monthly Church Council meetings and report on the ministry’s status
Prepare an annual budget to present to the Finance Committee

Ladies Night Out: We meet several times a year for an evening of fun activities, good food, and fellowship. New ideas are always welcome! Contact Kim Henke to offer suggestions or just to find out what’s on the calendar.
Quilts for Kids: Meet us on the first and third Wednesdays of the month, from 9:30 am to 1 pm in the Fellowship Building to help make quilts for kids.  We are participating in the international Quilts for Kids program, supporting children who are at the Children’s Hospital of San Antonio. Bring your sewing machine.  We provide all the materials needed for  the quilts. For more information contact Dee Ann Havely.

Women’s First Friday Lunches: With COVID declining, we’re looking forward to resuming our First Friday lunches. We meet at noon at restaurants in the Fair Oaks/Boerne area. It’s a great opportunity to sit back, relax, and get to know other women from the congregation. Hope we’ll be seeing you soon. Contact Kim Henke for more information.

Women’s Retreat: The 2021 Retreat is scheduled for November 5-7 at MO Ranch in Hunt, Texas. Whether you come for the whole weekend or just for a day, you will enjoy thought-provoking programs, great discussions, good food, relaxation time, and making new friends. For more information as it becomes available, contact Kim Henke.

Women’s Book Club: Our book club meets every 3rd Thursday in the Fellowship Building. Each fall we choose the monthly book selections for the following year. We choose books from a variety of genres and topics so there’s something for everyone. Very lively discussions are a certainty. Andy Williams will send you a reading list and let you know about the next meeting. Email


9200 Dietz Elkhorn Road | Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015 | 830.981.8331

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