Randy Pace

Randy  Pace

Randy Pace

Staff/Parish Relations Committee Rep.
Pastor/Staff-Parish Relations Committee Job Description

The Pastor/Staff-Parish Relations Committee and its chairperson encourage, strengthen, nurture, support, and respect the pastor(s) and staff and their families.  They consult with, counsel, and evaluate pastors and staff on matters relating to the effectiveness of ministry, relations with the congregation, and the use of gifts, skills, and time. Additionally, they develop job descriptions, hiring procedures, and salary/compensation proposals for pastors and staff.

Responsibilities of the Committee
Help staff set priorities that strengthen the congregation’s total ministry
Consult with the lead pastor to recommend staff positions to support the goals of the church’s leadership team (Church Council)
Recommend staff compensation, travel, housing, and other financial matters to the Church Council through consultation with the Finance Committee
Provide an annual evaluation of the pastor(s) and other staff for ongoing effective ministry
Create and update written policy for hiring, evaluating, promoting, retiring, and dismissing staff members
Develop job descriptions for all hired personnel
Confer with the pastor when a need for change is evident
Meet with the district superintendent and/or the bishop in an advisory capacity related to clergy leadership

Responsibilities of the Chairperson
Prepare and communicate an agenda for meetings, lead meetings, and follow up actions by assigning responsibility for implementation
Be familiar with United Methodist resources and organization
Attend Church Council meetings
Develop recommendations for pastor/staff compensation in consultation with the Finance Committee
Present recommendations for staffing and compensation to the Church Council
Act as the congregation’s primary connection with the district superintendent and bishop related to appointed leadership of the congregation
Interpret to the congregation how ministry works in the United Methodist Church (open itinerancy, preparation for ordination, etc.)

Spiritual Gifts and Qualifications
Should have one or more of the following spiritual gifts: exhortation (encouragement), wisdom, discernment, apostleship, administration, shepherding, teaching, leadership
Experience in human relations, personnel, management, and communications
Ability to listen to people of all ages while keeping a focus on the mission of the church
Ability to maintain confidentiality Email


9200 Dietz Elkhorn Road | Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015 | 830.208.4322

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