Childrens Church


If your child loves coming to Bible Camp in the summer, then they will love what our Children's Church looks like! Children's Church has a structure similar to summer Bible Camp. There are station changes that include music time, video/bible story time and activities like crafts, science projects and games. Every month the theme changes so kids will enjoy coming to see what the new theme will be for that month. We are so excited about the great turn out we have had since we began this new structure! Come join us for 10:30am worship service and kids will be dismissed from there to Children's Church!
Look forward to seeing you!!!

Children's Church In April…
Glow in the Dark

From retro toys to fashion trends, we all love a good throw back.(Especially for grown-ups because it reminds us of being young again.) There are things that remind us of a moment in time, but other things feel timeless and like they’re always in style. In this four-week series, kids will travel through the decades and see that the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels are always trending. As we hear from Jesus, we’ll see it’s always good to be humble, we can always forgive, Jesus is always fair, and love always needs action.

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9200 Dietz Elkhorn Road | Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015 | 830.208.4322

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