

Author: Joan Harman
September 07, 2021

I have a long history of experience with plants and animals, but at this time of my life I'm most drawn to praise by the inorganics of the creation.

So, let's pop the Bible Fill in the Blanks part in the beginning this week.    
1. She's worth her weight in ------.    
2. -, - go away, or It's - cats and dogs.
3. That remark hurt like rubbing --- in the wound.
4. Margaret Thatcher, the -- lady      
5. teeth white as ----    
6. Also found in a good jewelry store-----                            
7.  ----,-----, and----- in our universe

References to look up for answers:
1. Proverbs 25:11,12     
2. Isaiah 55:10     
3.Luke   14:34  
4. Job 40:18   
5. Matthew 13:45,46a 
6. -- ---- --- -- etc. Exodus 28: 17,18 and Revelation 21: 19,20      
7.Psalm 8:3

I watch the sky every day but am not yet fluent in Texas cloud language.
If we've followed weather reports in the recent months, we have many reasons to be humbled by the immense power of wind and waves, fires and floods. 
When I was teaching, I was well aware that changes in barometer affect children's behavior.
Now that I have lots of opportunity to ponder, I am aware more often how we all are deeply affected by the climate's seasons and the moon's cycles. 

 And I can understand people's fascination with crystals as a window to an unseen world.
I have two amethyst quartz crystals that I treasure.   One is a souvenir from diggings at a public spot in the Rockies, and it sits in the surrounding rock where it grew over the centuries.  One is cut and shaped as a set for a ring which I wear constantly.  It is encouraging to live with beauty.

Big, old trees and family members are my stand-alone favorites of plants and animals in the organic world.  My biggest frustration with the inorganic world is trying to capture the essence of dramatic rocks in my watercolors.

If the tree-clapping of Isaiah 55:12 touches a rhythm in my heart, how much more the incoming ocean tides or a wind of a weather front?

If Isaiah talks about hills and mountains singing in chapter 55, how much more depth of harmonies does a cascading stream emit?

If thunder and lightning are a show of power, how much more power is there in a wide and deep, seemingly quiet, river?

If picking up pretty shells is so much fun at the beach, how much more fun is it to observe the beautiful rocks as we drive or walk?  Or better yet, uncover as a surprising quartz or a shimmering mica when we're digging in the yard?
Joan K. Harman <><<><

9200 Dietz Elkhorn Road | Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015 | 830.981.8331

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