Set The Table
Author: Pastor Becky Hamann
June 14, 2023
God's timing is not ours, but God's vision expands generations from the far reaches of the past into the future of eternity. But rest assured, God is faithful.
Last week, Pastor Dinah helped us understand that blessing is calling out goodness. It's the projection of good into the life of another, and that only happens in relationship. God also created the way forward for us to all live in that relationship with God, with our family, with our community and yes, with strangers. The pathway is shown in the relationship with the origins of our faith family, Abraham and Sarah.
We do what we can to create the space to welcome God.
We quiet ourselves.
We quiet our minds.
Create that space so that we can prepare a feast for God and invite God into our midst.
We must live with an attitude of holy hospitality that offers abundant, extravagant generosity of the very best we have to offer, with no strings attached. That's grace!