Praise the Mount

Praise the Mount

Author: Pastor Dinah Shelly
March 06, 2024

What do other people think of me? It's none of my business. 
The Bible suggests that there is an exception to this rule, and you can guess the exception. The exception is Jesus. 
Jesus asks the disciples. 
“Who do people say that I am?”
And then he turns to them and asks them, “who do you say that I am?”
This scripture story in the gospels, some have said, is the focal point of the good news. Some Bible scholars even refer to it as the hinge point of the gospel story. It is the midpoint of Jesus' ministry and a clarifying moment for those who are reading the gospel who are reading the good news.
It's easy to imagine that by this time in Jesus' ministry, there would be some speculation of his greatness. There had been many miracles and many healings, and it's also easy to understand that there would have been some opposition. Jesus would have been perceived as a threat to those who were in power at the time.
The implication is that anyone who crossed Jesus' path understood that something powerful was going on in him. The Christ, the Messiah and son of the living God.Jesus is the one who will restore glory. He's a clear manifestation of God's presence in him. We see what God is like and Jesus will usher in peace. Peace is a sense of well-being, and this sense of well-being is available to all. No one gets excluded from this sense of peace found in Jesus.



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