

Author: Pastor Frank
August 24, 2021

Is sacrifice a bad thing? In terms of our spiritual lives and our lives as followers of Christ I don't believe so. PAUL in Romans calls us to be living sacrifices. So in this context sacrifice is not a dirty word, but a resurrection word. A word of life. When we look at our lives in this context I think it's a whole new outlook on our purpose as God's wonderful children. Sacrifice becomes a get too and not a have too. I get to sacrifice some of my time, my energy, my life for God. I get to be the hands and feet of Christ and I get to love my neighbor and my enemy. Lord Jesus you paid it all for us so that we might truly live into who God created us to be so we give you thanks and ask now to change our hearts and minds so they may look and see and feel as yours does. Help us to be living sacrifices for the kingdom and for each other so that God's great love would be seen by all. Amen

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