Author: Pastor Frank
October 27, 2021
Sometimes you just have to laugh. Joy is one of the fruits of the spirit. Laughing brings so much joy into our lives and hearts. Whether we are laughing at ourselves(which we should do often) or at a situation or a friend it is important for us to experience that type of joy in our lives. I often think God has quite the sense of humor as I look at life and my own personal experiences. Do yourself s favor today, lighten up and laugh today. The one thing about joy is it is infectious. God of laughter and love guide us today to laugh and enjoy life. Help us to spread joy and grace to those you place in our lives. Strengthen us in your love and hope so we may be courageous and filled with the abundant joy we can have from Jesus Christ. Give us opportunities to be and spread joy throughout our day and the days to come. Amen.