

Author: Pastor Frank
September 01, 2021

Lord Jesus today is another glorious day, What matters is how we live and handle today. Not yesterday or tomorrow but today. This day this moment right now is all we really have. So how are you going to spend today? Will it be with hate, fear, anger, worry, jealousy? Or will it be with love, joy, peace and gratitude? The choice is yours. No matter what life throws at you, you still have a choice. I pray we all choose the latter.
Loving God you are a God of hope, love, peace, joy, forgiveness, grace and mercy. Help us today Lord NOT to fall prey to our fears and our worries but to stand strong in our faith and the world see that we are fueled by love through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and our strength comes from knowing that no matter what we are all Gods Beautiful, wonderful children and we can find rest in his loving arms. Hold us this day O God that we seek you in all we do and are. Amen.


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