

Author: Joan Harman
December 16, 2021

I care not whether the Star in the East was a comet or a Supernova, but I am intrigued by the Nostradamus of the ancient world who made predictions like this at a time when just about everyone was probably watching the heavens every night.......

Did this person have access to court and legal documents which included astrological information?  
Did this person contain within herself the ancient knowledge that had been passed with the inheritability of Shaman?
It doesn't interest me if every little detail in OUR Christmas story is true.
What I want to know, "Where is the truth in this story?"
 I've attended workshops on memoir writing and written my own memoir in enough different ways to understand that when a writer doesn't remember every little detail it is still absolutely authentic to make the details fit the cultural understandings, the ways of thinking, and the concrete realities of life at the time of the happenings.

It's impossible not to realize the dangers of Joseph and Mary's situation, But if that is so, this quote from Oriah Mountain Dreamer's poem, INVITATION,  is part of the answer for me,
"I want to know if you can get up after a night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone--and do what needs to be done--for the children."

It interests me that Zachariah's question to the angel results in having his mouth shut until the birth of the promised child, but Mary's question to the angel results in an angelic explanation that satisfies her enough to respond, "Let it be with me as you say."
What I think about is why Zacharias was not allowed to talk about what he was going to do and what the results would be?
What I think about is why Mary 's response required receiving and not doing anything herself,                                                                     But again, she did not say anything that we know of until Elizabeth corroborates the truth of Mary's experience.
What interests me is that talking was not enough to express Mary's truth.   She sang!

It matters to me that Angels From the Realms of Glory is one of my favorite Christmas carols, and it has very interesting verses after the first.

It matters to me that this Advent season my favorite new read is from a local doctor's memoir of a difficult office visit with a patient with dementia.   The Patient looks straight through and past the doctor, does not respond to anything, refuses to stand to be checked for balance and strength, but only keeps singing songs of her own choice.  In desperation, doctor joins in on O Holy Night, and then YES!  Patient gives eye contact and a sparkling smile while everyone in the office gradually joins in the worshipful song.

It doesn't matter to me if the angelic chorus over the shepherds gathered ALL the heavenly residents.
What does matter to me is what Luke records of the words to the praising song.
Peace and Good Will on Earth being such glorious blessings
I ask, “What is taking so long for us to accept this?

And then I hear a whole conglomeration of voices from my past, “We just have to be patient and wait."   The waiting name is ADVENT.

Joan K. Harman <><<><


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