

Author: Pastor Dinah
March 20, 2024

Forgiveness is an internal process that is then directed outwardly. It's not something that I do for you. It's not something that depends upon you. It's an internal process, something that I primarily do for me. 

Forgiveness can require more than just my own will or desire to forgive the circumstances of the pain. You know that some of those circumstances are worse than others. 
We embark on a journey of opening ourselves up to receive grace, especially when we're in need of forgiveness. I think that Jesus is telling Peter to boldlypractice grace in community, and to keep showing up in relationship with the intention to forgive. Because that's the place. The community is the place where your salvation lives, where it thrives. 

You see, I believe that we all follow in the footsteps of Jesus, and we all fit in the mold of Peter. I want you to hear me clearly. We all fit in the mold of Peter. I need to say this every week during Lent. We are all Peter. We fit in that mold. To fit into the mold of Peter means to live boldly. In abundant grace, we know that people are important. We know that people are worth noticing and we do not give up on them. We also trust that we will be released from the chains that keep us from loving well. That's forgiveness.

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