Child of God

Child of God

Author: Pastor Frank
January 07, 2022

Hey you. Yes you reading this. In case you didn’t know it, you are a child of God. No matter who you are , what you’ve done or where you’re from you are a child of God regardless. You matter to God and to the body of Christ. May we all come to know who and whose we are. God loves us no matter what and calls us to be in relationship with him through Christ. You cannot out run the love of God and you cannot out sin the grace of God. Loving creator we thank you lord for your grace and love and mercy. Guide us down our own paths so that we may experience all you have for us and that we do your will so the world around us may experience your great love and grace. Amen.


9200 Dietz Elkhorn Road | Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015 | 830.981.8331

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