

Author: Pastor Frank
February 01, 2022

All means all and that is all!! Sin is something we all do. Jesus said, “whoever is without sin cast the first stone. “ Because others sin differently than us doesn’t make them better or worse than us. Grace is granted to all, because all of us need it, regardless of whether or not we think they deserve it God says here is my grace, my child!!Heavenly creator strengthen us today to walk straighter in your ways and to love and forgive more like you. We give you thanks for your abundant grace and we ask for courage so that we can be bearers of your mercy and love and offer grace and love to all those we meet. Come Holy Spirit and fill us and use us today and the days to come. Amen.

9200 Dietz Elkhorn Road | Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015 | 830.981.8331

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