

Author: Pastor Frank
October 25, 2021

With all the freedoms we have in this country the freedom to treat people with decency and respect seems to be lost. People would rather be right then nice! People would rather do what they please without regard to other people. We have the greatest freedom there is, the freedom from sin and death through Jesus Christ yet we don’t choose it or act on it enough or sometimes at all. With great power comes great responsibility ( Spider man movie quote). With great freedom also comes great responsibility and also opportunity! We have the opportunity and the responsibility to love others and be compassionate and forgiving and to show mercy because Jesus gave us these by freeing us from our sin. Which will you choose today? I pray we all choose to live free and in the ways of Jesus. God thank you for freeing us and taking the sins of the world. Help us to live into the responsibility and the opportunities we have today because of your great love for the world. Use us this day to help the world and those around us experience Jesus Christ Today. Amen.


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